
Giveaway with Firmoo ( END )

7:00 PM

Glasses or Sunnies are one of my essentials things, since i got a cylinder when i'm 11 years old, glasses become important things for me. Moreover glasses can be your accessories and make your style look perfectly. And I found Firmoo ! Firmo Designer Glasses has a fashionable style, has so many shape, sizes, prescription and offer a big variety of glasess in high quality and affordable price.

These are my Favourites product from Firmoo :







And The Good News is, i teamed up with Firmoo for my FIRST GIVEAWAY ! This is your chance to win a Pair of Glasses from Firmoo ( prescription & non prescription ). For Three other winners will get a $30 E-Voucher which could be used on Designer Glasses !

Here are the qualifications to enter :

1. Follow My blog on Google Friend Connect and Bloglovin'
2. Follow My Twitter here & Instagram here
3. Like Firmoo on Faceboook here and Like Firmoo Twitter here
4. Share The Giveaway via Twitter ( please mention to @echalicious & @Firmoo when you share about this giveaway and don't forget to used hastag #heiechafirmooGA )
5. Comment below with your name, e-mail, your GFC name, your twitter and write the pair of glasses that you want to win and write the code of the product.( Choose the glasses here )

The Giveaway is open for International ( check the countries shipping here ) and this giveaway will run until April 4th 2013. Good luck guys!

And The 1st Winner is Amanto Tunggul S.A congratulations!

Another winners who get Three $30 E-vouchers are :
Aul Howler
Patrice Celine
Sonya Thaniya

For the 1st Winner will be e-mailed by Firmoo Team SOON!
And for 3 another winner, i will be give you the vouchers via e-mail.

Thank you Guys for join this Giveaway ! See you on the next Giveaway!

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13 komentar

  1. Hi this is a lovely blog honey I think we should follow on GFC and Bloglovin? what do you think?
    let me know I'll follow back for sure
    New post is up on my blog you should have a look :)

  2. Great stuff! Love your blog and wil definitely keep on coming!
    Come by and hopefully if you like mine too we can follow each other :D!

    Hope to see you soon!

  3. Good luck with the giveaway!

  4. m.patriceline@gmail.com
    GFC : Patrice Celine
    twitter : @mpceline_

    I would love to have this glasses #BD33009

  5. 1. Done and done!
    2. Done since long time ago ;)
    3. Done and done!
    4. Tweeted!
    5. below

    Aul Howler
    Email : Aulhowler@yahoo.com
    GFC : Aul Howler
    Twitter : @Aulhowler

    I'm totally in love with this round glasses!

  6. goodluck for everybody who joins this ☺


  7. goodluck for everybody who joins this ☺


  8. name: john michell hundana
    e-mail: tic_tac_toe1616@yahoo.com
    GFC name: tic_tac_toe16
    twitter: @jmlangpo
    pair of glasses that you want to win and write the code of the product: http://www.firmoo.com/eyeglasses-p-2076.html (#CP6074)

  9. kirk nicole matoza
    http://www.firmoo.com/eyeglasses-p-1389.html (#OMJ5817)

  10. wll, good luck for all the participants!!

    this is nice, but I already have my own favorite glasses too. :)

  11. Name: Amanto Tunggul S.A
    E-mail: appetite.pleasure@yahoo.com
    GFC Name: Apptetie Pleasure
    Twitter : @amantotunggul
    i want #WO-3005 TORTOISE (C05)http://www.firmoo.com/eyeglasses-p-2024.html#2864

  12. sonya thaniya
    email : sonya.thaniya@yahoo.com
    twitter @sonya-thaniya
    #CP6115 http://www.firmoo.com/eyeglasses-p-2204.html


Hey! thank you for leave some comment in my blog,i really appreciate it! I will reply in your blog. :)