
Home Work From Laras

5:44 PM

First i want to say thank you for LARAS, coz she bring me the home work [zeeeet*] hahahaha LOL!

Rules: Posting foto terjelek you ever had
Tags 5 peoples

Jiahahaahaha [LOL!], jelek banget gw di foto ini.
So nerdy and like idiot boy...
Ugly me....

I'm tag this HW to Gadis,Risya,Putri erdisa,Raisa and Sherly.

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1 komentar

  1. thanks cha tag'nya.
    btw poto lo yg ini gx jelek koo, cuma culun aja. hehee.
    tar kalo nemu poto gua yg culun baru gw post homework lo ya. :x


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